Doug and Laura Lee
Christmas Special Bundle - click for more info!
On July 21, 2010 my precious daddy went home to be with his Lord. He had fallen and completely broken his back bone but did not sever his spinal cord. Because of the type injury he was not allowed to move at all. We waited for several days for a room to become available at UVA in Charlottesville. When he arrived there, the medical team evaluated him for several days to see if he was strong enough for surgery. This was not a surgery any of us wanted my father to have to go through and try to recuperate from but there were no choices. His surgery was scheduled for Thursday at 8:00 am. We all had been to see him that week and Momma spent the night in Charlottesville so she could meet us all there early to sing and pray with daddy. However, in the wee hours that morning, one of the medical staff was in the room with him, watching to see how he was doing and my dad just stopped breathing. No struggle, just peace. Our merciful, gracious heavenly Father came to get him. As we were being told the news, my sweet daddy was hearing well done, good and faithful servant!!! While we are so grateful to the Lord for sparing him that surgery, we were not ready to let him go. I guess that is always how people feel. I just want to thank you for making it possible for my dad to make a living doing what he truly loved - singing. He loved sharing what God had done for he and my momma. He loved people! My sisters and I so appreciate you driving distances to see him, paying for tickets for a concert before it was not the norm, buying his albums, 8-tracks, cassettes, CD's , DVD's and books so he could keep on doing what God called him to do. Blessings dear friends! Enjoy the music!!
For years Doug traveled on the road in concert work and was featured in many Christian television productions, while Laura Lee stayed at home and raised their three daughters. Doug and Laura joined creative forces traveling together as a unique and dynamic team for the last several years. Doug ,using his powerful skills as a communicator of the gospel in song, while Laura shared humorous and heart-warming vignettes of their lives. They produced a CD and wrote three books together. Laura Lees first book, "Some Things Are Priceless", written in 1981 and published by Abingdon Press, was a beautiful coffee table/ devotional style volume . Many of the full color photographs used were taken by Doug.
When Doug retired, with the exception of local events and monthly appearances on "The Old Time Gospel Hour" from Lynchburg, Virginia, where he and Laura made their home, he didn't do much singing. Doug's lifelong friend and pastor, Dr. Jerry Falwell was greatly missed by this couple when he died three years before Doug. Dr. Falwell once wrote, "He has sung for presidents and royalty. Doug Oldham is as fine a singer as there is and he is a master communicator. But the important thing to me is that he has remained true to his Lord and his calling over these past 30 years. His and Laura's three daughters, two sons-in-law, and four grandchildren all serve the Lord and that is the best recommendation I can give to any man."
Doug's friend, Bill Gaither says, "I do not know of any better friends than Doug and Laura Oldham. Doug has been featured on many Gaither Homecoming videos.
Cliff Barrows, who has been a part of the Billy Graham ministry team for many years writes, "Doug's unique gift of singing and communicating the message of a song has always been a real blessing to me. From those earliest days when I first met Doug in 1959, I have followed with interest and joy and thanksgiving to see Gods hand of blessing upon him. He has blessed audiences around the world, including our crusade audiences on several occasions. I am happy to recommend him to you and the music from heaven through his voice and heart and soul."
We appreciate you visiting our website. My Father's musical legacy is still a part of many people's lives. I regularly give my Momma emails from friends that write me about their ministry. She loves hearing people's stories from the past. We welcome yours!
Please know that the CD's offered here are original to the recordings. My Father owns all of his masters and we had them digitally remastered and manufactured. I offer these CD's as a ministry to my parents and to you. Please forgive the long delay in sending your orders. I work full time and minister with my husband on the weekends, so sometimes it takes longer than what it should. This is not a large company, just a daughter doing something so her dad's music can live on!
Rebekah Oldham Cox
Order Doug's CDs and DVD